Danganball-1-BULMA DRAGON is an exciting and steamy hentai animation featuring the beloved characters Bulma and Goku from the “Dragon Ball” universe. In this sensual tale, the dynamic duo embarks on a quest to gather the seven mystical dragon balls, while also indulging in intimate encounters that bring them closer together. Packed with action, passion, and fantasy elements, this animated series is a must-watch for fans of Goku, Bulma, and hentai content.
Me: I’ll be back in a minute. Right?
Huh? Where are you going?
Oh, a piss? You could do it here.
What a strange girl…
Uh, this journey ought to be fun! Let’s go!
Eogu and Bulma are on a journey to find the seven Dragon Balls that can grant a wish. Later…
You really are thickheaded, aren’t you!!?
Obviously, I’m just trying to go take a piss!!