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All right, morty go talk about the thing they paidus a lot: okay, yeah uh rick and morty pron. This is the PlayStation 5.It’s, really fast, yeah yeah. They really wanted. You’d mention the speed that was really important yeah.
Its super fast like way less of those long loading screens beth rick and morty porn. You know how do you tell them the thing about the buttons huh? Oh, the controller, has haptic feedback vibrations that simulate in-gameactions, the l2 and r2 buttons have adaptiveresistance, don’t block the console they wanted that in the shot. Oh, yeah man rick this commercialis kind of boring. You know it’s like theplaystation.
5 is pretty cool, all right, we’re donego play ps5 rick and morty young beth porn. Oh, god, I’m a clone you’re not a clone for a while. We were content to not knowwhether she was or wasn’t, and who is that uh, a clone always felt like yeah she’s, a clone which means that there’s a beth out there. Lets meet her honey you back, you seem surprised, you never wrote and, never exploded, and then he proceeds to lieto, both his home daughter and his space daughterabout, which one is cloned. He told me you’re the clone.
What do you think he told me if one of you is still alive summer porn rick and morty? You’re my real daughter, if you, both alive, don’t hurt the other one she’just a clone she’s, not worth it. I’M coming baby wanted a version of beth that was more like ricking. Therefore, ironically hated rick. I came back to kill him.
You know I’d like to help which this real and that beth is a clone. You jerk-offsready to get the answers to your burning. Questionsyou know what happened there. That night I want you to decide. That’S turned around and locked eyeswith him and said.
Tell me what kind of daughter you would like me to be. Rick’S response was toroofie her and avoid the entire conversation, which is an ancient Greek level of bad fatherhoodand. Then you can’t bear to even know which one is which big money – big money, which is, I think, the most cowardly part of it. All you literally don’teven know which of your daughters is real of course you don’t. He made a non-choiceand committed to it really hard yeah absolutelyyeah.
You get no answers porn rick and morty, but, and in effect i mean hopefully – that’s not a dissatisfying thing. Becausethe answer is one or the other, the core of itis, finding beth some solace with that and I think the only solace she can find is in there’re none and being okay with that. I don’t care what’s in that vial yeah me neither doyou love having two moms and I love having two wives, isn’t the more important fact that they both exist and the reason why they both exist yeah your pieces either way are you tired of your butter being sofar away, hey! Whats up, I’m Rick z17the citadel of Rick’s gift shop Rick! It’S a bigmouthful, come on down to the citadel Rick’s gift shop, where you can enter to win a real life.
Butterrobots. Its powered by Wendy’s, Wendy’s breakfast you, hear what I just said. Its an actual movingtalking butter robot that will fetch you butterand it’ll watch. You eat a Wendy’s honey butter chicken biscuit while it has an existential breakdown here. Let me turn it over to wendy’srick hey.
What’S up, i’m wendy’s rick, i i gottatell you. I love that Wendy’s breakfast! It’S really good and I also love the citadel bricks gift shop, also love that we managed to put this together baby managed to put all this all the moving parts together Wendy’s and the citadel bricks together and we’re back over to you, uh citadel Rick, thanks, citadel Rick, z17 uh. So yeah enter to win thebutter robot in the gift shop, giveaway powered bywendy’s breakfast, it’s an actual diegetic thing that is plucked from the universe of the showand and it’s real and you could win it. Butterrobots hurry powered by Wendy’s breakfast you got to get in there.
You got to sign up and win, do it do it now, do it now to get in there Welcome back everyone. It’S Charlie! This is goingto, be my new rick and morty season. Five teaser trailer. They just had a big adult, swim festivalwith, a rich and morty panel.
They were talking about Rick and morty season. Five episodes they’reeven working on rick and morty season, sevenepisodes right now too. So I’ll explain what they said and what’s coming up. If you’re brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos, I will be doing an episode. Videos for all the Rick and morty season 5 episodes when they release and I’ll talk about the release date.
Toowe’Ll do a new Amazon giveaway. All you have to do to enter is to be a subscriber and leave all your predictions for season 5. On the video we’ll talk about the footage, then I’ll explain everything that they said about season 5 episodes on the panel. They start with the rock and mortyplaystation 5 ad rick selling them out again. Like he does in all their ads if you’ve ever watched any of the other rick and morty commercials that they make for the show rick is always selling them out.
Sometimes you can see him counting. His money while morty is complaining about selling them out but, because the ps5, the Xbox series x, just came out they’re doing commercials for that actually have both of them. I don’t have any big complaints. There are a couple minor bugs with bothof the consoles that you’ve probably been reading about, but that’s to be expected with the launch of a new console generation for the most part they do exactly. What they say like morty is joking about the loading time was faster in all the special features.
That the actual controller has those, true they’re, actually pretty fantastic, but the butter robot ad is an actual thing for each that they are selling in the citadel bricks gift shop that’s an actual thing that they created in real life. I think it’ll be available to purchase beforerick and morty season. 5 episodes are released, but the butter robot is an actual small robot and it’s really expensive. So it’s not something. That you could just go out and spend five buckson.
Maybe, when we get closer to the episodes being released I’ll. Actually do a giveaway for some of them, depending on how many they wind up selling. I don’t think it’s a limited thing. I think they just be selling as many as they can make buckle up get ready. The last big rick and mortyseason 5 trailer they released were that season five episode cold open with mr nimbus.
It was basically their marvel namor parody. It was just ananimatic, but the way it feels is just like they’record opens and usually those don’t have anything to do, with the plots of actual episodes. They just end up being funny: one-off adventures, like this crazy thing happen, but then something happens and they go off to the plot of the actual episode this is just rick and morty escaping from a planet. During an adventure, that’s gonereally really wrong and it seems like reality, isshattered and they’re. Looking through the scenes of many different dimensions in previous episodes like there’s, a marvel blade rick in morty which just seems badass.
This is obviously Wesley snipesblade that they’re parodying here but marvel isactually, getting ready to release a brand new blade movie with mahershala ali during marvelphase 5
I’Ll talk about that during my marvelvideos because it’s going to be a while before they make that movie. But if you zoom in enhancehere, they just have many different, really wtfversions of rick and morty, like morty cradlingbaby, Rick, woodcutter, lumberjack, Rick cool mortythey go back to earth! Thinking! They’re going to crash and die, and it turns into this wholejessica morty thing with him wanting to have last words with her. Then it turns into a wholename or aquaman joke with mr nimbus who seems like he’s been rick’s nemesis.
This whole time that we’ve just found out about now big newsflash, apparently rick is never supposed to go near the ocean. That’S canon now, but one of thebiggest things they revealed during the recentrick and morty season 5 panel is that they’redoing way more with the space version of bethremember, they have the clone beth. They have the space beth, now who’s kind of like the cool aunt that comes and visits every once ina, while the way that dan Harmon talks about her they didn’t say how many episodes she’s going to appear in during season five. But if you remember how, she was such a huge part of the rick and mortyseason four finale. I would imagine they dedicateanother entire episode to her, where just some of the family goes off on an adventure with her the whole thing with her is that she actually just proves the theory that there could be a citadel of bests out there.
The beth that decided to embrace her heritage and become more like rickthey teased a little bit during season three when they had that conversation about the clonehe says you basically have as much potential as me and he’s supposed to be the smartest person in the multiverse, meaning, theoretically, that beth couldalso Become one of the smartest people in the multiverse or a version of beth could but the way they talk about space beth. It sounds like they’renot going to get crazy with any kind of citadelbest twist anytime soon, it’ll just be the spaceversion of beth coming back in episodes, but theydid tease the idea that there could be an infinitebeth storyline out there in future seasons. Harmonalso said that there’s going to be some moments where rick and Jerry actually become friends joking, that the show is jumping. The shark because that seems like a break in the fundamental dynamic of their relationship. They said it’s all about the concept of friends that you’re super disrespectful in furtherance of the dynamic at the end, ofseason 3, with the whirly dirly conspiracy, where they call a little bit of a truce.
They find some common ground for just a hot minute. Before they go back to the regular dynamic the way they talk about summer during season. Five is as she continues to become more of a competitor to mortyin the adventure market, how she’s able to connect with rick on a very different level than morty islike? You remember the devil episode they have a very different dynamic than rick and morty. Doeven though Rick and morty are the main dynamicof.
The show right now as we’re speaking, though they actually finishing the writing for rickand morty season, seven episodes. If you remember around comic-con last summer, they were startingon, Rick and morty season six, so that gives you an idea for how quickly they’re blowing through the writing of the episodes is really the animation that takes a long long time for them to complete for those of you asking why there were Actuallya rick and morty season 4 trailer a while ago that they released just for the animation itself where. The animators talk about how it’s so much more complex than other shows like south park they can turn an episode around inside a week, but just in terms of risks and morty season, 5. Releasedate right now it seems like they’re planning, ona spring release date and they should be able to release all 10 episodes, but even if they do breakit into half the way that they’re so far, ahead like they’re working on Rick and morty seasonseven right now before they’ve aired season. Fiveeven, if they split the episodes into two blocks, offive episodes they’ll still be able to release one full season every single year for the remainder of all the episodes.
They were renewed for remember a couple years ago. They basically got renewed through what will be rick and morty season10, because they’re doing 10 episodes per season it’ll be a long time before we start hearing news about, what’s going on during Rick and morty season10 and obviously many years before they wind up dropping those episodes. But that doesn’t mean that that’s the end of the show they could always be renewed for more episodes, after that they could always wind up doing a rick and morty movie. Danharmon is still talking about doing that. Communitymovie, but what’ll happen is I’ll.
Just keep doing more rick and morty season. 5 trailer videos, andteasers and Easter eggs as they release more footage and details in the next few months. Adultswim usually waits until they get within about a month of episodes, dropping to start releasing a bunch of new footage, but they always give away big details before then, and the cast and crew danharmon always talk about. Whats going on so post all your theories about rick and morty season, 5and leave all your video requests in the comments below. I’Ve got a couple new mandalorian marvel and dc videos that I’ll be posting.
This weekmy full mandalorian season, 2 episodes, 5 video forahsoka tano will be this Friday. Just like normal well, you wait for all that click here for mybrand new mandalorian season, 2 ahsoka, and, videoand click here for that other brandnew Rick and morty season, 5. Trailerthank, you so much for watching everyonestay, safe I’ll