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I don’t know about you, But I feel like roaching noobs Happy New year, my little roaches Lets drop to Slurpy Swamp. I’M thirsty, You know roaches every new year I like to look back upon my previous accomplishments. Think about all of the amazing things. I’Ve done All the people, I’ve roached, all the battles, I’ve lost
Yeah, life for Roach is pretty good fortnite catalyst hentai.

And just like that, I’m gon na turn away from the factory Too many enemies dropping in there Got to be sneaky about this.
(wistful music, ), (, swooshing, ), So long grand pappy’s, pickup
I aint driving no Toyota boy, (shots firing.) Stand still, so I can shoot you Yare your aim’s worse than mine, [Game Voice, ] Roach. They call me Ice Age because I bring your streak to a cold hard. Stop.
Hey, roaches: did you know that the woolly mammoth can grow up to eleven feet tall and weigh up to seven tons?
The Roach, you know Slurp Silo, huh fortnite catalyst naked, Yeah gon na need one of those after I get shot. Ah just what the doctor ordered.

Remember to eat your veggies
(upbeat music, ), (, swooshing, ), Peek-a-roach, (, tense, music, ) (shots firing, ) Aw (shots firing) Using the bushes as cover (loud banging), smart Ooh, someone’s coming up from the other end of the building Better, get ready.
(tense music, ) (, clicking) (shots firing, ) (, clicking). Those are some heavy footsteps.

Speaking of footsteps Fortnite catalyst hentai. Did you know that the diet of the woolly mammoth consisted of leaves (shots, firing, ) fruits, berries, nuts, twigs and head shots, [Game Voice?] Roach, Yes, The Roach, you know (upbeat music, ) I’ll, have to celebrate in the future. I’Ve got company
Not to worry present Roach celebrate good times come on Somebody’s approaching this roaching Back inside, Actually, no nevermind Slurped up (gasps). I hear someone
(shots firing, ), [Game Voice, ] Roach Fortnite catalyst porn.

This factory isn’t big enough for the two of us (shots firing, ), (, loud explosion, ), Say hello to my little Roach (shots firing) Richard is that reference to old. I don’t wan na be okay, boomer,

(shots firing, ) [Game Voice, ] Roach, You just got roached Phew (shots firing). I haven’t said that in a while (shots firing, ) Don’t make me drop you into this vat of toxic slurp juice.
(shots firing, ), [Game Voice, ] Roach, Hey nice, brick wall Too bad. It can’t save you from the Roach.

Look at all these treasures: (upbeat music, ), (, swooshing and banging) (clicking) (, upbeat music, ) Shields on shields on shields.
Speaking of roaches did you know that the average life span of a woolly mammoth was 60 years. Thats actually way longer than the people I coach who’s. Average life span is actually around three seconds: (laughs, evilly), The Roach. You know: Okay, I’ve looted the entirety of Slurpy, Swamps,

Now I’m ready to roach some roosters Right after I loot this house.
(swooshing). I want my home as bare as the skin on my back. Thats a joke, I’m actually very hairy. Speaking of hair. Did you know that the woolly mammoth have long shaggy brown fur and a thick four-inch layer of fat underneath That’s one way to beat the heat (cheering)?

Ah, the foreboding silence of a snow dusted landscape.
It reminds me of my youth, (, coughs, ), Sorry, roaches, don’t know what overtook me there! Maybe I’ll get into some slam, poetry this year, (swooshing)! If I had a seventh item slot, I’d fill it with love Any other single yeti’s out there.

All the single yeti’s, All the single yeti’s (upbeat music).

This vantage point is pretty good. I can see all kind of roaching opportunities from here.

(upbeat music, ), Oop, hello, sir (swooshing, ) (shots firing, ) Boom head shots Aw, but its not enough Guess I’ll have to go finish. The job
In person (clicking) He’s building a tree house. If there’s a sign that says: “No roaches allowed!

‘, I’m gon na be angry Up up and away.
(jazzy mood music, ), (shots, firing, ), (, gasps, ), Lieutenant Fish Come here and meet your maker [Game Voice, ] Roach, Fish, outta water, more, like fish, outta lives, ha Only. Seven people left
Thats just six more roachings. I need to do Roach, math, All right, where’s, all the action I’m getting impatient. (wistful music).
Finally, I’ve got you in my sights.
(beeping) Meet you around the back (shots fires, ) Almost Phew still alive, but no shields. This will be close.

(adventurous music, ), Ah much better
Roaches, did you know that the French adventurers in the 19th century used some well-preserved mammoth bodies as food to stay alive during their north pole, adventures, Resourceful (shots firing) The Roach, you know (shots firing). I can still see you building in there.

(adventurous music). This event is going to be more hype than that Coachella, its Roachella Get your tickets today,
(shots firing, ) (shots, firing, ) Waste, your bullets peasant Ow, my ass again Jeez. Just when I’ve turned my other cheek (upbeat music, ), (, loud bangs, ), (, loud bang, ). He knocked the floor right out from under my feet. Please don’t find me, please don’t find me,
Roaches, if I win this one, you have to put your favorite mammoth fact in the comments.

(shots firing). Now, where did they go? (shots firing, ) (shots, firing, ) I’ll die in this bush. If I must (jazzy mood music, ), (, fast, music, ) Uh. Finally, Let’s see if I can pick these fools off from the hidey-hole
(firing shots).

I am not doing (shots fires) the best of sniping today, roaches (shots firing, ), Wait for me guys. I wan na roach someone (, tense music) (clicking) (shots firing, ) let me in (, tense music) (, clicking) (tense music, ) (, clicking) (shots firing). I know you’re in here (clicking) (swooshing) (shots firing, ) Knock-knock Roach here
(clicking) (shots firing) Mr Roach tear down this wall, (clicking) (shots firing, ) (shots firing.). Does this wall have the will of Roach (shots firing), Because it is unbreakable, (, swooshing, ), (shots firing, ), Aha, trying to run away?

Are we Fat chance?
Hiya [Game Voice, ] Roach royal. You just got roached Yes, Happy New Year. Everybody
And thanks for tuning into this episode, roaches

What were your favorite woolly mammoth fact And where should I drop next? Let me know in the comment section below I’ll see you all in the next episode:
Bye, bye, (, soothing, music, )

Date: March 7, 2021