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Lynx cogiendo- lynx fortnite porn fortnite lynx xxx,lynx fortnite porn,fortnite lynx naked,lynx hentai Last time, we talked about skins that were brought back into the game, making them significantly less rare, or skins that just flat out sucked. This time around, we’re going to vapid town and just focusing on skins that are straight up horrendous to the human eye. We’re talking the ugly ducklings of Fortnite skins, people. This is our picks for the top 10 fornite skins that should be illegal part 2. And unfortunately, Moisty Merman was on our part 1, friends, so head on over to that list after if you’re dying to see someone trash talk that atrocity.

10 The Visitor The Visitor might be a slight controversial choice for an ugly skin fortnite lynx xxx. But take away the digital front on its mask and it’s kind of lame. Some even felt that looks like Crosshair on the front of its mask just made it uglier too.

Subjectivity is everything lynx fortnite porn, friends! And hey, sure, it’s kind of cool that there’s all those selectable styles on the Visitor’s face mask that can be customized by completing the blockbuster challenges.

But keep in mind that when you’re playing, you’re never going to see the front of your mask in a match, really. Sure, others will, but is it super fun if you can’t look at it yourself? 9 Sun Strider Offered as a reward from Tier 47 of the Season 5 battle pass, Sun Strider is described as “it’s all fun in the sun”. That’s basically it, people. This skin doesn’t really have much else going for her.

She’s a life guard who wears a visor that reads rescue on it fortnite lynx naked, which feels a little counter intuitive to, you know, the purpose of the game.

If Epic were going for a lifeguard vibe lynx hentai, why not rip off Baywatch and give us another ever so slightly but legally acceptable looking skin like Reaper is with Keanu Reeves aka John Wick? Instead we have this bland and boring skin. Not saying she needs more sex appeal, she just needs something more appealing in general. 8 Zoey Zoey is kind of a cringe worthy skin.

That hair? That hat? It’s like a teenager got thrown up on by an oompa loompa gone rogue from the chocolate factory. I’m not the only one with cruel feelings towards Zoey. One person even commenting on the website the top tens that Zoey looks like a 60 year old masquerading as a 15 year old, which just makes me feel kind of gross, so we’re moving on.

7 Lynx If Zoey wasn’t you’re piece of pie, then Lynx definitely won’t be either. Specifically, the default version of Lynx, which one user so aptly described as looking like “she just came out of bed, worse some plasticky looking pajamas, a cat hat and a short jacket.” Why the cat ears? The saving grace though? (which also explains the cat ears) is the fact that the max version of Lynx is pretty rad, and has some serious black panther vibes.

This one was only available by completely all of those lynx challenges.

Otherwise, you’re stuck with a skin who has cat ears glued to a trucker hat that she wears backwards. Fun. 6 Growler I’m sorry, but what the sh*t is going on with it’s face? It’s wearing a dog helm et (or is that a hood of sorts?

) and inside, we’ve got a creepy little red alien with vicious teeth and beety yellow eyes. Oh and then a human body. What is going on here? This skin is described as “this good boy is not afraid to bare his teeth”, which I guess is kind of cool, but I’m just confused as to what exactly it is. At least with the moisty merman, we get that it’s a merman, you know?

Growler though – is it a dog? An alien? A dude pretending to be a dog alien? So many questions, not enough f*cks to give.

5 Leviathan What is it with Epic Games and gross fish skins?

Luckily this fella, Leviathan, is significantly less unappealing to look at in comparison to a skin like moisty merman, but hey, a nasty looking fish floating inside of a space suit helmet that has a bandage stuck to it? Well, for starters, I’m sorry, but if I had to rely on water to keep me alive, I would DEFINITELY not be running around in a busted suit like that. Anywho, Leviathan also falls victim to the fact that the rest of its body minus it’s head has some serious competition with much cooler skins also wearing space suits. It just ain’t fair. In addition to that, Leviathan is a legendary outfit, and cost you 2000 v bucks to get.

4 Tomato Head There’s nothing integrally wrong with the Tomato Head skin. Hell, a lot of people love it. But, for some pizza lovers, this tiny detail may make or break this skin to you.

Look closely at the slice of za on Tomato Head’s chest. It’s a pepperoni slice, yeah?

TAKE A CLOSER LOOK. See those yellow clumps? That ain’t just goopey cheese friends. THAT’S PINEAPPLE. THAT’S ONE HELL OF A CONTROVERSIAL OPINION THERE EPIC GAMES.

PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA? What’s wrong with you all? It’s practically criminal. Unless you’re of the school who believes pineapple on pizza is alright. And to you, I say whatever floats your boat, you sick f*ck.
3 Chromium Chromium is cool in theory, but it’s hard to look at this skin and not think, damn, that’s a female rip off of Colossus from the X-men. You know, the dope character from the Marvel comics who also has been adapted recently in the Deadpool films. Once you think of him, it’s hard to not see Chromium as kind of a lame version of the superhero. Her counterpart, Diecast, whose also a rare skin that cost 1200 v bucks is a least a little cooler with his barret, bandana and additional gear strapped to his chest. But it’s even harder still to not see him as a colossus rip off.

Chromium’s also got that red hair, which kind of doesn’t make sense if the rest of her body is metal. Just saying. 2 Jack Gourdon Speaking of rip offs, Jack Gourdon is basically Fortnite’s answer to David S Pumpkins, the character that Tom Hanks made famous on Saturday Night Light. Same suit, same tie, except he’s got a gourd for his head. Gourdon?

Get it. It’s a pun. But what really makes this skin less than hilarious is the fact that David S Pumpkins, despite still being funny, is not kind of irrelevant. That was so 2016 you guys. Jack Gourdon, by consequence, now feels as if Epic is trying to resurrect a dead meme.

Plus, the expression on Jack’s face doesn’t help much in the aesthetic department, now does it? 1 Grimbles What’s worse than having a pumpkin for a head? How about a gnome? Enter Grimbles, the fortnite skin gnome equivalent of nightmare fuel.

That horrific looking gnome head (and it’s less than comforting expression) on top of a holiday-tastic suit just doesn’t do it for a lot of Fortnite players.

Perhaps if you’re playing as a troll the hideous nature of this skin would be lessened, but at the end of the day, that oversized head ain’t doing you many favours, to say the least. Also the colours of his shirt and gloves vaguely reminds me of Vegeta from Dragonball Z crossing his arms then I look up at that face and overall just feel uncomfortable. No thanks. So that was a fun list of me just being a dick, wasn’t it? Now it’s your turn!

Tell us in the comments below which Fortnite skins you think are the worse, and the ugliest.

Which ones do you hate the most for no logical reason? Give us a shout in those comments below and let us know! And be sure to check out our part 1 of this list for more Fortnite bashing! If you dug this video, spread the love, hit that like button, and hey, why not subscribe while you’re at it?

We’ve also got a playlist filled with Fortnite fun times flashing on your screen, so go on, give er a click! In the meantime though, thanks for watching!

Date: March 7, 2021