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Hey guys and welcome to another fortnite sex live event creation! We have Galactus and he’s being attacked by millions of Battle Buses! Okay, it’s 24 Battle Buses! Galactus punched me in the face! This is what really happened at the fortnite sex live event!
Look at my eye! Okay, I am just kidding. It was my son, not in the live event but at home. We were playing and he accidentally punched me in the eye. It got infected.
It’s beautiful right now. This is what I can see while creating. It’s beautiful! Okay, let’s talk about the fortnite sex live event and let’s recap and also build this beautiful creation. We have Galactus today!
Well, half of his body and we have billions of Battle Buses, but let’s first start with this bad guy. With Galactus! This was really epic. The last fortnite sex live event wasn’t that big of a deal, but this one was close to the one with the gigantic robots fighting each other with a monster in the eyes at the end of season 10.

It’s still my favorite live event, but this one comes second, also because of the AC/DC song and this star wars Rook Squadron game reference.
Yeah this was pretty amazing. But now let’s talk about the creation, let’s talk about Galactus how we are creating him. As always I try to get a really good start on this character. It is quite complicated. It only contains like three or four different colors, but with so many details that it is crazy!
I looked at the character and noticed that most of the layers underneath are quite black.

This is why we are starting with his posture with the aluminum wire and with a coating of black clay. And now we will work our way up and also all the different layers. This is the main body part right in the middle on the chest, which looks like Darth Vader and we have many many different lines glowing red lines. I had two options here.
I could either go and paint them or use clay and I decided to go with the clay option because this one is more covering than pens could ever be.

This also looks like a tiny thing from Darth Vader’s costume. Okay this is the armor of Galactus and we are working our way up. By the way, this is my vision right now. It’s literally my vision with this infected eye.
Yeah my son punched me in the eye on Sunday, then Monday was quite normal and on Tuesday when I woke up my eye was like this it was really big and I went to the doctor’s.

I saw the doctor and he said: Oh don’t worry this is an infection! He ran some tests and gave me these eye drops which i am using since then and I have never been to an eye doctor before. It was really interesting because while doing the tests, well the typical ones where you have to recognize and read some letters on distance, but also there was this machine which was pumping air into my eye, shooting air into my eye and this would measure the pressure inside my eyeball. Could you believe this?
They are.. air into your eye to measure the pressure in your eyeball. This was quite mind-blowing and interesting. Okay back to the creation.
There are some similarities to Darth Vader. I mentioned that before. When you look at all the red stripes and the uniform and we have black and this pearl black. It’s pearl black by the way, the silver black color. Yeah I felt reminded a lot of Darth Vader.
Now let’s talk about the gloves he has, he is wearing. We have a very thin layer of red clay in the inside part and then also on the fingers itself and we have these grip pieces that Galactus is pretty good at grabbing planets for example and to eat them and he also said that in the live event.

I am hungry! I’m not so familiar with this guy in the Marvel universe, but I would guess that he is hungry and wants to eat many planets. These are the gloves.
Maybe I ended up creating the fingers too big, but I thought this would be just doing justice to his hands as they are the size of loot lake for example with these tiny red dots on the outer part and the dots have probably the size of an airplane or even bigger no probably even bigger.

When we remember the scene in the live event when we were floating through parts of his arm and we are ready to go into the oven! Freshly baked Galactus! Yes but without the head and it looks quite weird like some kind of antenna where his head should be and this is what we are doing right now. It says skin color.
This weird well what’s this color called? I have no idea. I will look it up. Luckily I have my own online store with all the clay colors from Fimo! It’s light pink.
Look at that! Beautiful light pink for his skin color and yeah I was struggling a lot with his face as you know I’m always struggling with faces, but this time as a reminder my vision is like this. Yeah we just ignore his nose for a minute because I think I’ll change this again. Let’s first work yeah let’s remove this. It looks ridiculous!
Let’s work on his beautiful smile. He has pretty white teeth. Well, he may be horrifying and gigantic, but he cares about his teeth.

Yes he is brushing them quite regularly because otherwise, they wouldn’t be that white and I appreciate that he may be a really bad person, a gigantic bad person, but he does flossing and tooth brushing successfully. He’s probably using trees to brush his teeth.
Yeah while coming up with some hygienic body care solutions for giants, I’d like to share some of your words.

You shared this on Reddit. We have a subreddit right there and this is Spiderman! Look at that! Yasmin Ismail: I’m not sure if you used only black, white and gray or if the photos are just black and white.
It looked amazing! Yeah we are cutting open this gigantic head of Galactus to attach his head, which really reminds me of a pope. This pope hat people are wearing. Well not people only the pope, but it looks like this, except for the horns, but when you just think them away it looks like a pope. Oh, Galactus is the pope!
This would only make sense. And on another level on the meta-level the character design of Galactus was looking for ways to make him… .
..religious? Well, I’m not sure, but oh Galactus eye is..
. …broken.

Same as mine, because my eye looks like this! It’s a reminder. Maybe I just want to get some pity. that I can feel better or you can come up with some beautiful memes and share them on Reddit as well and I can feature them in the videos, in the future videos.

This is 8k by the way, because my new camera is capable of doing 8k and sometimes it makes sense to use this.
Yeah you posted some incredible stuff over on Reddit and I would really like to share some of your artworks while adding all the beautiful details and the princess Leia hairstyle to Galactus. This is from me_n_you_ gacha: I can’t believe this is the first time you try this out.

It’s amazing please keep on going. I am so curious when you improve what your clay creations will look like and look at all the details! bigterrorist69: amazing what you have done right here!
This drawing from Among us and well for Galactus the head is finished. We’re ready to go into the oven! Wrong timing! We are about to create billions of Battle Buses! The classical Battle Bus is blue.
It has pretty much this blue color it’s called true blue and then we add a very thin layer of silver, some red, because Iron Man improved the battle buses a little bit and brought in some corporate identity red.

This is the front of the bus and now all we have to do is to cut them all together and place them. They look like this onto the plate for oven hardening, but also to add some further details. This took me a while. Maybe we can bring this into shape a little bit more, that it looks like a Battle Bus.
This is this engine right on the top and also with these green energy balls which we will add right now Okay I’m quite happy how the battle buses look so far.

They are really tiny. Now we have to add just the wheels and after oven hardening maybe we can bring in some more color. Now the wings. These are the wings.
Every battle bus gets two wings. I’ll turn the same Iron Man red. He was bragging a lot during the live event and we’re ready to go into the oven! Freshly baked Galactus! And look at this.
Even a guy like him gets destroyed from time to time while oven hardening. Well he just lost the tiny detail don’t worry about this. We need some cardboard! This will be the plate for our creation, for our scenery from the live event. This is the hole for Galactus.
Fits in perfectly. Maybe we can make it more like circle shaped. Beautiful! Let’s glue him in position. He will like this!
Now we need some wire for all the buses for the billions and billions and 24 buses I created. They should be on a different height each of these and I am using some hot glue gun our hot glue gun to fix the wire.

Okay, maybe we can also paint the surface, the cardboard white, white grayish after we are finished with all the wire. This is the last wire we have to put into position and this one will be the middle of the reality of the Earth which he is trying to get and he’s holding in his hands. We need some white acrylic.
Oh no! I hit his hand. Maybe we can wash it off. Wash your hands Galactus! Looks like even Galactus is washing his hands during Covid.
Remember 20 seconds guys. But it looks like the color is coming off his hand and we can glue it back to this gigantic guy. And now to the painting. The idea is to paint the surface white and just adding a little bit of gray to get this cloudy scenery and this cloudy look and we will even add some wool after this. This should be enough.
Now let’s add some wool.. Oh no! There’s some further..
. you’ve got some paint on your teeth on your beautiful white teeth, but we will take care of this later.

Let’s paint the Battle Buses and approve them. Iron Man would be proud of us. Ned Stark?
It’s not Ned Stark, right? What was his name? Oh, this is embarrassing. It was Stark, Tony Stark. Oh, this is embarrassing i should cut it out.
Yeah, the battle buses are finished! Just the last details. Some silver beautiful details that all the buses are shining while they are flying right into the mouth of Galactus and exploding right into his stomach. Let’s take some grey wool. This will be the surface the clouds and we can stick it perfectly right onto the wire.
Now just some superglue onto the wire and we can glue the first metal bus. Oh, it’s the one where I forgot to glue to create the wheels.

Well, nobody will notice in the end and I don’t want to read any comments saying that I forgot the wheels on one of the buses. This may happen when you create billions and billions of buses. Gluing the last ones onto the wire.
This looks ridiculous but I really love it. Look at that. Now, this is the energy the middle of the Earth of reality. Jonesy wants to protect this thing and guys that’s it Galactus fighting billions of Battle Buses! This was another fortnite sex video!
Please let me know if I should continue with season 5 in fortnite sex or if I should start the next map in Among Us.

Have an amazing weekend! Stay safe stay, creative. Bye! And I’m hungry too Galactus.
He fits into my mouth! Big shout out to my eye doctor! I forgot your name because I only visited you once, but you gave me these beautiful eye drops and my eye is better now..

Date: March 7, 2021