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Hmm shame could have kept her shoes on now where’s that Cinderella gone to foul me. Congratulations! Do I get a prize. I have nothing on me, but I’ll think of something now what they call that constellation in Zurich, a Nia dragon, something I bet. No.

It has a different name but indecent, actually leaned closer and I’ll whisper it in your ear, egg. Vain, never Kira! Where put me to sleep with Estelle means she’s up to something hi Kyle the tower, no light don’t floor, the tower so found what you were looking for. Yes, thanks for asking: how are you feeling sleep? Well, you used me.

Oh please! I merely seized an opportunity if I’d known you just wanted Alexander’s notes, I’d never have helped. You lift the curse from fyke Isle. All right, perhaps I wasn’t completely honest, didn’t quite toe the line, but I knew you’ve managed you’re, so manly and all Geralt II poo wipe that frown off your face, or I might think you don’t like me anymore, didn’t come here to play games. I want to know what you’re up to naturally, you suspect me of the worst.

I don’t deserve that my intentions are pure, like a virgin’s tears Alexander was studying the Katriona plague, I’ll use his notes to produce medication, perhaps a cure, or at least a vaccine mm-hmm. Strictly humanitarian motivations is that it no strictly selfish ones the mighty would pay willingly for such a remedy. Can you imagine how much take radovid, for instance, why he might even consider forgetting my past associations with the launch Radovic doesn’t forget and rat if it doesn’t forgive, especially when it comes to Sorceress’s he’ll make an exception for me. You’Ll have to. I have something he wants.

Please you don’t believe that. Well, you believe yennefer will stop treating you like a dog someday. Don’T see me laughing, I’m going to sear a deferred. Tell him of this research, whether you like it or not. This is suicide.

Kiera you’ll wind up tied to a stake burned to bolster the morals of the masses while entertaining them shut up for a moment. Didn’T look at me see this bedbugs gelt bloody bedbugs. I Keira Metz advisor to foltest, a member of the lodge of sorceresses, have bedbugs think what you will but are not staying as bloody swamp. One day more, not one day I shall cross the Ponte, and that means radevich men will find me sooner or later. Don’T you understand, I don’t have a choice.

I will have to parley. Got another option. Go to care Moorhead, you believe, I’d be safe there long as you don’t piss Lambert off. Yes, a mere rat avid neither I’ll be able to reach you find little in the way of luxury there, but we do have clean sheets, it’s a long way well beyond the dividing line. But if I keeps the woods until I reach the Kestrel Mountains, I should pass through unnoticed so be it seems.

I find it hard to refuse you handsome you’ve. Clearly, a notion of what women want now they’d think so see you at Karen morning beds free of bedbugs. Mostly I long to be there already see you gout you

Date: March 2, 2021