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Alright, how’s it going my sexy since me otaku, he come back with some more Witcher 3, the wild behind. I like how, every time I do my intro, I started off really fast and then end up. You know kind of Levin. I see you got ta, be fully normal. Um speed Gerald found Syria blast on the Isle of mists, where the elven mage had concealed her. There was no time to rejoice for the Wild Hunt descended on them. They fled Siri, teleporting them to cure morin where their friends awaited the Wild Hunt arrived at her, more’ and soon after a great battle ensued and the fortresses defenders might all have perished, had Siri not demonstrated her flowers so sudden and violent was her outburst that the Wild Hunt was forced to withdraw. The battle was won, the war had barely started, so few guys are completely lost. Where I all right now? Why has no one told her to control this? Oh, shut, the hell up, dude, you should probably watch my last video. I have it up to inning lat lag we’re gon na. Have it up, I’m glad miyagi. It is an 11 part. Video. Each video is about 15 minutes long. So it is a very, very long, live stream and there’s two. Actually, you know what there’s to live streams worth up yesterday, two or three. I did quite a bit yesterday. Sorry for those of you who are like god, damn it man slow the [, __] down. I can’t slow down anyway yeah. You guys should totally check that out on my YouTube channel dimension, I have a YouTube channel. Cuz YouTube YouTube channel. Don’T you know you know it’s pretty easy to remember it’s just two words: otaku geek with a capital I and a capital g. Oh Taku! Geek! You don’t know how to spell otaku. Well, maybe you shouldn’t watch my channel. No, I’m kidding take is pretty much about how it sounds. Ot, aku, aku, so capital tax, you space capital g. Ee cares taco geek. Now, like I was what I was supposed to be getting at, is yeah if you’re completely lost to what happened. I suggest you watch the other live streams. I mean they are long. Yes, but it’s such a good game. I feel weird, not uploading that many. They are uploading. My whole live stream. Its such a game in each video is. You have to watch the big chunk together. You can’t just upload one video, because then you’re left with a humongous cliffhanger or you have to stop the video rental place something suit shortage of the learn. So I suggest you check those out a lot of stuff. Thats happened in those two live streams.
Date: March 8, 2021
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